Patrick L Wikstrom
Mar 24, 2017
great service -
I recently used the service to go from the Cancun airport to the ferry headed to Isla Mujeres. The staff was waiting right where I expected, identified by a Discovery Mundo sign and had my name on his list. He guided me to a waiting area under the shade of an awning where I waited about 10 minutes for my van offered soda, water, or beer from a cooler and he practiced his English while practiced my Spanish for the 30 minutes or so it took to get to the port. - Great deal - will use this service again

Interested in booking a similar taxi?

Book transportation from Cancun International Airport to Ferry Puerto Juárez

Discoverymundo answered:

Hello Patrick,

Thank you very much for taking the time to make this review.
We are really happy to know that everything went as planned, next time we'll try to make it even better.

Have a nice day.