Tag - Snorkeling in Puerto Morelos

Snorkeling in Puerto Morelos

Snorkeling in Puerto Morelos

It all started in August holidays, when my father decided to take us to a magical place, the most spectacular experience snorkeling in Puerto Morelos, is the place most colorful and liveliest I know so far.

Snorkeling in Puerto Morelos

When we moved in, we grabbed fins, some viewers each and left in his truck, luckily everything is very close and did not have to wait long. Along the way, I was so excited that my hands were shaking, one of two, was I knew something would change in me as my dad would say or the possibility of seeing a shark that anyway no problem because they are friendly and miniature.

Snorkeling in Puerto Morelos

Upon reaching the shore, at about 8 in the morning the view was beautiful, seeing the sun through the emerald waters and gave a feeling of freshness.

Snorkeling in Puerto Morelos  Snorkeling in Puerto Morelos
We take a boat on the beach near the hotel reef, which took us to the barrier reef. It took us about 5 minutes to arrive, the weather was perfect that day, plenty of sunshine and a spectacular view.

Snorkeling in Puerto Morelos

Once we arrived, we got snorkeling equipment; mask, fins and life jacket. A few minutes before snorkeling in Puerto Morelos, “Captain Arthur” gave us some recommendations and rules for the care of the reef when snorkeling in Puerto Morelos, as it is a protected natural area.

Snorkeling in Puerto Morelos

All set, we got a jump sea. As I entered I felt the life go out of my eyes, it’s a feeling I will never forget; colors, fish swimming in family and living happy. At that moment I knew I had to devote to this all my life, feel the sunshine on my skin and see the colors in every sunrise.

Snorkeling in Puerto Morelos

Something that surprised me was the variety of fish in the reef, from different colors and sizes. As a curiosity for those who will go figure, the depth from the sea entrance to the reef is about one meter to three meters. This reef is  the world’s second largest barrier reef.

After swimming for hours with my father in the company of Captain Arthur, I decided to dedicate my life to practice snorkeling in Puerto Morelos, in order to convey all that one day I could experience hundreds of travelers.

Snorkeling in Puerto Morelos

Currently, at the end of the day when we returned to Puerto Morelos from each trip, I realize how happy I am to share with travelers and especially families to see them happy and enjoying! Here I share several photos of different experiences of snorkeling in Puerto Morelos during the year.

Snorkeling in Puerto Morelos


Snorkeling in Puerto Morelos


Snorkeling in Puerto Morelos