Corredor Turistico, Los Cabos Airport Transportation Services from Discoverymundo

Planning a group trip to Corredor Turistico, Los Cabos? You can count on Discoverymundo for all of your Corredor Turistico, Los Cabos ground transportation needs. Find the perfect Corredor Turistico, Los Cabos shuttle, taxi or transportation for your next vacation, wedding or event.

Don't worry about using public transportation; instead, book a private transportation vehicle for your Corredor Turistico, Los Cabos trip.
Don't expose yourself to the hassle of fighting for an available taxi or seats on a bus upon your arrival at the airport. Let us pick you up in comfort, allowing you to turn your attention to how you will enjoy yourself during your stay at Corredor Turistico. Don your surfing gear to catch a wave, snorkel along the coast, or learn to windsurf. When you've built up an appetite, be sure to sample some local fare at one of the many restaurants in the region. When it's all over and you're ready to go home, we come right to your hotel to return you to the airport.
IMPORTANT: Shared service for this hotel is not available due to its location. Secrets Puerto Los Cabos Hotel is only suitable for Private Service.
Shared Ride
This service is available only from 09:00 to 17:00 and it must be booked 48 hours in advance, otherwise please contact us to confirm if there is a Shared Service available.
Shared Ride

Sprinter or similar

Confirmation is immediate.
Fixed price - Billingual Driver.
Flight monitoring. Meet & Greet.
Price per vehicle. Up to 2 passengers.
Passenger Bag
1 S Bags & 1 L Bags
$ 112
$ 140
Save $28
Estimated price

Suburban or similar

Confirmation is immediate.
Fixed price - Billingual Driver.
Flight monitoring. Meet & Greet.
Price per vehicle. Up to 3 passengers.
Passenger Bag
2 S Bags & 5 L Bags
$ 319
$ 398
Save $80
Estimated price
Private Minivan
Private Minivan

VW or similar

Confirmation is immediate.
Fixed price - Billingual Driver.
Flight monitoring. Meet & Greet.
Price per vehicle. Up to 5 passengers.
Passenger Bag
2 S Bags & 8 L Bags
$ 351
$ 439
Save $88
Estimated price
Private Van
Private Van

Toyota or similar

Confirmation is immediate.
Fixed price - Billingual Driver.
Flight monitoring. Meet & Greet.
Price per vehicle. Up to 11 passengers.
Passenger Bag
10 S Bags & 10 L Bags
$ 421
$ 527
Save $105
Estimated price
Private Minibus
Private Minibus

Mercedes-Benz Sprinter or similar

Confirmation is immediate.
Fixed price - Billingual Driver.
Flight monitoring. Meet & Greet.
Price per vehicle. Up to 16 passengers.
Passenger Bag
19 S Bags
$ 601
$ 751
Save $150
Estimated price